Just letting you know that I’m well aware that there’s something wrong with the forums. Emails about this matter will not be replied to unless they are actually helpful, since right now I’m spending my time trying to find out what’s wrong.
I’ve no idea when they’ll be back up and running, or whether everything will still be intact when they’re working again. We’ll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile I apologise for the inconvenience and will do my best to solve the problem.
Update: 09.55
It would seem the cause of the problem is within a particular table of the database, which holds posts…. which appears to have vanished as the file can’t be found (but when I view the database overview, it is listed as being 2in use”… no idea why, it’s never said that before). Unfortunately, due to my 56k connection with a 2-hour cutoff period (ADSL isn’t available in my area, nor is Cable), I’ve not been able to backup the 40MB+ database file so I can’t restore from that. I’ve contacted my host in the hope that he’ll be able to fix it… other than that, I’m not really sure what to do. Anyone who is familiar with MySQL & phpBB are welcome to advise on this matter. Perhaps the best course of action would be for me to delete that table manually and reinsert it? I dunno, I’m not much up on databases. Will keep you informed.