Forums Down

Forums Down

Just letting you know, I’m aware that the forums are currently down – there’s something up with the database (worry not, I have some very recent backups if it comes to that), I think it either got too big or someone tried to hack it. Can’t be sure which, but I’ve asked Smoove to look at it and let me know if it can be fixed somehow.I’m out for most of today, so here’s hoping it’s okay when I get back. If not, I guess it’ll be restore-from-backup time… and time to make sure the forums prune more often to prevent the DB getting too big!

It seems the server log files have filled up all my remaining webspace – perhaps this has something to do with it (I had to delete some files just to upload this page again!). To keep you updated while I’m out for the day, you can keep an eye on my support topic at Smoove’s Forums, here.

Forums back up now, don’t worry, doesn’t seem to have been a hack attempt – clearing some logfiles seems to have made it possible to fix the database 😀 It might happen again if the logs build up before the log rotation system kicks in though. Gotta go for now, see y’all later!

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