Just a quick post to apologise for the severe lack of updates in recent weeks. Since moving house, I’ve been rather busy doing house-type things, and also prepping the new design for the site. Got a lot of exciting things in the pipeline for SFC, so don’t think I’ve abandoned you 😉
I hope to have the new site ready sometime in July, at which point I’ll get a new contest started and be updating more often as usual. I’ll post a preview of the new design in the next week or so, though I know some of you have already seen it 😉
Although the hosting fee of US$300 wasn’t quite achieved, I managed to scrape together the extra funds and will still be sending out a prize to a random contributor in the near future. Again, my apologies for the delay!
Meanwhile, keep an eye out at the forums for any new Shining news – and don’t forget to check out Sega’s Shining World site for cool new pics of the forthcoming Shining games!
BTW, huge thanks to Atlus USA, who I notice have added a link to SFC on their site 😀 Yay!