I’ve added some more of the Scenario 2 translation to the scripts section. Volunteers are currently working on the scripts for Scenario 2 Chapter 2, and the last part of Chapter 1, so I’ve moved on with Chapter 3. I hope to have the imbetween sections up soon! A volunteer is also working on the rest of the Scenario 1 script. Once the scripts are up and running I intend to add printer friendly versions, without the SFC navigation etc around them. I may also include full chapter pages, as a number of people are unhappy with the script being broken down as it is. Just can’t please everyone can I?! *lol* But I’ll try to!
I’ve also translated another 2 sections of Final Conflict. The Final Conflict re-make project at Shining Dev is still in need of experienced Verge coders, as well as people to rip sprites and graphics.
I’m going to work on a Shining Soul review this week (I may even get it up today), and try to add some artwork. I’ve also put up a fan-submitted Shining in the Darkness wallpaper, and some new Shining Force II wallpapers.
The Shining Force II & Shining Soul merchandise sections have been updated with new items, and some other merchandise sections have had missing details (ISBN, page numbers, published dates etc) added in.
Some fanart has been added in to the Shining Wisdom & Shining Force II fanart sections.
There’s been a small update to the Chronology, following the release of Shining Soul. I’ll add more about Shining Soul when I’ve played it in English 🙂
The campaign is about 200 signatures away from being ready to send off. If you haven’t signed it yet, please do so ASAP!
You may also be interested to know that I’ve recently sent a rather long letter to Camelot Software Planning with a whole load of questions about the Shining series… perhaps we’ll get some answers to the unsolved mysteries! Watch this space 😉