Major CGI Problems

Major CGI Problems

The CGI “500” Errors seem to be worse today than yesterday. I’m stumped as to what’s causing them, but they’re now affecting every script on my site, so I wonder if my CGI access has been disabled or something… 🙁 I’ve contacted my host admins and have yet to hear back from them. Due to the script problems, this page is probably looking highly distorted right now, as the SSI commands are instead embedding the error page (which, unfortunately I’ve been unable to change despite my best efforts).
Please do not email me about the problems, unless it’s to tell me they’re gone! I’m aware that major things are going on here, but I’ve done all I can do, and now I think it’s down to my host to look into it. I’m really sorry for the inconvenince, please bear with me and just hold tight for now!


Update: m0by has set up a temporary forum for me here:
It’s not quite the same as the Ikonboard, but it’s a great temporary replacement. All the usual forum rules apply there, so if you’re not familiar with those I suggest you refrain from posting and wait until the normal forums are back up.

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