It seems the interest in translating the missing parts of Shining Force III’s script is on the up again! Some of you may well remember DamonD, the chap who wrote up summaries of the events in Scenarios 2 and 3 some years back. Well, he’s back on the scene, and has finished up the missing section of Dusty Village script, and is also working on revising his old chapter summaries, to be posted here at SFC! Great work Damon! Thanks also to our dear Aspartate for doing a couple of revisions to Damon’s translation. If anyone reading this is good with Japanese and has an interest in helping out, Damon is trying to get something organised in this topic at the SFC Forums!
In Shining news, it seems Shining Soul may have finally hit the shops in the USA, or at least it would seem from my visit to GameStop’s site this morning 😉 If you haven’t already seen it, SFC’s review is here.
And last, but not least, I shall try to get a decent update together in the near future 🙂 Already have a comic strip in mind, just haven’t had the chance to get it together. Time really does fly as you get older, I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are going (between updates ;)).