A smaller update than I’d hoped to do, as I only have an hour until my other half gets home from work – so much for an afternoon of playing Shining Tears >.<;; I've had just enough time to get hapter 2 of the Shining Force: RotDD script up for y’all, courtesy of SFCer Trent 🙂
I’ve also scanned in the various bits and pieces from the Asian release of Shining Tears. If you’ve got the Japanese version, you might be interested in downloading the English instruction sheet from the Asian version – very handy when you’re starting out. You can find the scans in the Shining Tears Artwork & Covers section.
New contest & collectables (as well as more of the SF:RotDD script) should be up next week, sorry about the delay.
Now for a half hour of gaming 😉