New Fanart, Collectables, Midi & FAQ!

New Fanart, Collectables, Midi & FAQ!

More fanart...

I’d hoped to get a little more than this done today, but I’ll try to get the rest done tomorrow (Links Directory update & addition of several dozen video clips!)…

Today we have 3 excellent new pieces of fanart – one in the Shining Force section and the other two in the Shining Force II section.

We’ve got a fantastic new midi of Darksol’s Theme from Shining Force, called ‘Demon Breath’, and a brand new FAQ for the Shining Force Remake written by one of our members.

On top of that, there have been a lot of new collectables added to the site, primarily for Shining Tears – some very nice items there, a shame they are selling for such high prices at the moment!

More updates tomorrow – perhaps even a new comic and a new poll – watch this space!

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