New fanart, translations, scripts, desktops & more…

New fanart, translations, scripts, desktops & more…

At last I’ve had a day to myself and not only caught up a bit with my email and forum messages, but also had time to get some long-awaited site updates completed!

First and foremost, our most heartfelt thanks should be sent out to Magnus Andersson who has once again provided a fantastic amount of translations & scripts for SFC. The Scenario 3 translations have been updated & added to – there’s not much missing now aside from townspeople dialogues. He’s also finished adding extra dialogues to the Shining Wisdom USA script, which is now online.

Sadly, Magnus tells me this is to be his last contribution, as he has provided so much and feels it is now time to move on. He’s recently opened his own website about one of his other favourite game series, why not check it out at Many, many thanks Magnus for all you’ve done for your fellow Shining series fans. We very much appreciate all the hard work you’ve put towards helping us understand the wonderful story of Shining Force III. “Kore wa owari ka?”

I’m sure I speak for us all when I wish Magnus the very best in whatever he chooses to do in the future.

Now, back to the updates! I’ve added four new pieces of fanart (will somebody please use the new Fanart commenting system?!) – you can find these in the Shining Force II, Scenario 3 and Shining Soul fanart sections. SFC Moderator Rusty has also provided a nice new Shining Tears Desktop, now available for you all to download 😀

The most recent SF:RotDD FAQ has been updated, and a glitch in one of the Shining Force FAQs has been fixed, so it should display properly now! Seems it was in Mac format, which didn’t agree with the server somehow!

I’ve also added around a dozen new URLs to the SFC links directory, particularly noteworthy being Jumesyn, which recently came back on line. “What’s Jumesyn?”, I hear you cry – why, only the best Shining Force III site the .net’s ever seen! Haven’t seen it? Go look now!

Got a Shining site of your own? Why not submit it to the directory and consider joining the Shining Force Webring? It all means more exposure & more visitors for your site 😀

Finally, the winner of the September Contest has been announced – congratulations to Big Poppa of the SFC Forums – I’ll be needing your address so I can send out your prize.

A new contest will launch in the next week, and as we’re nearing that festive time of year again (and considering the minimal amount of contests run this year), it’s going to be another incredible prize-fest, so watch this space!

Now, I’ll go see if I can get all the recent Shining Tears collectables added to the listings before my man gets home – if not, I’m afraid that’ll be a task for next week (by which time a number of them may be in my posession :D). Until then, keep on Shining!

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