Managed to get a few updates done today – nothing major, but it keeps the workload managable 😉 More to come in the next few days as I once again have a bit of time to myself now Lee’s going back to work.
Today there’s a new FAQ for Sword of Hayja, courtesy of SFCer Apathetic Aardvark, a new piece of Shining Force Fanart from Runefaust, a new comic from Ivanoe and a few new pieces of artwork in the Shining Soul and Shining Soul II sections (Culley, there are now some pics of the SS shopkeeps, but sadly low quality as the only pics I had were about an inch tall >.<;;). I should also give an apology, as it seems that in my eagerness to get the new site up and running, I managed to miss out a large part of the "Great Priest's Trap" section of the Scenario 3 translation! Thanks to a kind user who pointed this out to me, the section is now complete again 🙂
Back to work on SEE this afternoon (check this topic at the SFC forums to have a look at the version I’m working on), I hope to have the user interface finished in the next day or two, then I can continue with the data entry area…
Still no sign of Sega’s announcement about “Shining Next Project”, but I’m sure we’ll hear more on that front very soon!