Regular & Planned Updates

Regular & Planned Updates

Ah, today has been my first day without work – I now officially have a whole lot of free time! =)
Oddly enough, I’ve spent most of the day tidying my room and planning some of the things I hope to do over the coming weeks and months. So, nothing extra really in this update, although I do have some fanfic, fan art and related merchandise to add to the site, as well as my collection to update 😉 As usual, I’m expecting some items through soon. I also have some individual Shining Force Gaiden and Shining Force III trading cards for sale, email me if you’d like to buy some.

Although Dragon’s web host went down and so I have nowhere to host my ROMs, a friend of mine named Olivier has kindly allowed me to link to the MP3s on his site, for the MP3 of the fortnight. I’ll do my best to sort out some ROM hosting as soon as I can.

This fortnight there’s a new MP3, new comic and new poll for you to enjoy…

I’ve got so many plans for things to work on for the site over the coming weeks, here’s a quick (but by no means complete, or in any particular order!) run-down of things I’ll be working on:

  • Putting more Shining game scripts online
  • Typing up the scripts for the games that I don’t yet have the scripts for
  • Typing up the end credits for each game
  • Add more fan art/fan fic
  • Update the related merchandise section
  • Update my collection, and add a “want list”
  • Organise the new sections of SFC better, to make it easier to navigate
  • Work on the Final Conflict translation
  • Continue adding maps and screenshots to the Shining Force II guide
  • Redesign and complete the Shining Force I guide
  • Work on shining3master’s Shining Force III guide design & build
  • Perhaps enhance my Shining in the Darkness guide?
  • Play Shining Soul when I get it at the start of April – review it, put up pictures, scans etc
  • Add more desktop wallpapers and greeting cards
  • Find a new ROM host
  • Send off the Campaign to Sega, Nintendo and Camelot.
  • Set up a PulpChat chat room instead of IkonTalk
  • Adding more quotes to the random quotes at the top of the site
  • Preparing some more comic strips in advance
  • Continuing my fanfic
  • … and probably a lot more besides all that!

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