As usual, there’s a new MP3 and new poll for you. I’ve almost finished working on the comic strip, but it may be a day or so late, please bear with me!
Having hunted for weeks for a new host, I’m now what seems to be a step closer, albeit a little more than I was prepared to spend. I’ll keep you posted on that front.
A big thank you to karachiking for finishing off the HTML version of the Scenario 2 Chapter 5 script. It’s now online here at SFC. Jameth is still working on chapter 6, which I hope to add to the site soon, along with Chapter 5 of the Shining Force script, which Dragon is working on. I still need to split up the Scenario 1 script into sections, but that shouldn’t take long.
Some exciting news today… you may recall several months back I sent a letter to Camelot Software Planning, full of questions about the unsolved mysteries of the Shining series. Well, this morning I received a letter from them in reply, with an apology for the lateness. The letter is, however, in Japanese – Taguchi-sama didn’t want his meaning to be lost through his “strange English” (his words!), so I’m currently trying to get it translated. Some of the answers are quite short and would seem to be along the lines of “I don’t know/can’t say”… but there are several longer answers too. As soon as I have a translation available, I’ll be sure to post it here!
The SFC redesign is coming along nicely, though it’s going to take me quite some time to transfer in all the old content, and add in the new. At the moment I can’t give a set date as to when the new site will be up and running, but I’d like to think it will be within 6 weeks. Maybe 😉
Well, that’s about all for now, I’d best get back to the comic strip.