Well, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, after all the downtime 😉 And I’m sorry to say that it’s not really a complete update, I’ve just been too busy 🙁 But things’ll be back on track soon, fear not!
So for this fortnight, we have a new MP3, new poll (it seems there may be a slight error when you vote at the moment, I’m looking into it… your vote should still get through though) and (finally!) a new contest, as well as the winner of the April-July contest being announced. No new comic strip today folks, sorry 🙁
I’ve got lots of stuff to update here, and rest assured it will be done before long: adding new collectables to the list; updating my collection; updating release info (US Shining Soul cover art, Japanese Shining Soul II cover art); updating the links database etc. I’m sorry I’ve not had time to do those just yet. Oh, and I also need to archive some of the old news!
Gotta go for now, but I hope you like the new contest – I’ve been preparing the prizes for this for months now!