Regular Update

Regular Update

The winners of the November contest have been announced – were you one of the lucky ones?
As always, there’s a new MP3 for you and a new poll. As you probably know my now, the Comic Strip of the Fortnight is a bit different during December… it’s now the Christmas Comic Series, which will be updated every Saturday and Wednesday until Christmas day. Another page has been added today of course!

I’ve updated my collection page, but there’s not much new there. Some artwork has been added to the Shining Force III artwork sections for all three scenarios, many thanks to Parn for providing the scans!

Wolfgang’s popular animated Shining Force sites are now back online, thanks to Parn of! The links in the SFC database have been updated accordingly. I still have a batch of links to add, my apologies if yours is still waiting – visitors to my forums will know that I’ve been very busy of late, and the links have been on a low priority. I’ll endevour to do a major database update over Christmas.

Not much else to report, except that I’m trying to get some more of Final Conflict’s translation done while working on more of the Christmas Comic Series…

Unfortunately, due to file corruption, the results of last fortnight’s poll (“Would you buy a Game Boy Advance for Shining Soul?”) are lost 🙁 However, I do know it was a very mixed bag of results, with the majority saying that yes, they would buy a GBA for Shining Soul. It also seems a good few of you already have a GBA!

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