SFC Annual Beg 2012: Looking to raise US$300!

SFC Annual Beg 2012: Looking to raise US$300!

SFC Annual Beg 2012: Looking to raise US$300!

My goodness how quickly the years go by!

Yes folks, it’s that time of year again – the Annual Beg. Though I may not be as active at SFC in recent years I’m sure you all know I do still work hard on this place 🙂 Last year I launched the new SFC site design and in the last few days many of you have been playing with the SFC Forum RPG which I’ve been developing over the last 4 years, though the majority of the work on it was completed in the last 5 months.

Once again it’s a little short notice, I got so caught up in the RPG development that I lost track of time. Plus, I managed to win a free month’s hosting which I thought would be tacked onto the end of my current year of hosting… but I was wrong, it comes in the form of a discount on my next invoice.

I also had a little contribution through from a member earlier in the year which I have done my best to squirrel away and therefore this year’s Beg Target is lower than usual – woohoo! This year we’re looking to raise US$300.

If you’ve got some spare PayPal funds and would like to help contribute towards keeping SFC online for another year, you can do so by clicking on the picture below. Thanks for your ongoing support!

UPDATE 8th September 2012 16:43
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2012 Annual Beg – we reached the target so quickly I can hardly believe it! The invoice is paid and SFC shall live on for another year!

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