Well, it’s been a few days since SFC came back online, and I’m now almost done getting everything back up and running. The forums are as they should be, the subsites are all up and running – including downloads (find any problems, please let me know!), and most of SFC itself is back up… if not updated much of late. Just a few more cover scans to upload and we’re back how we were!
Now, here’s what you can expect over the next week or so:
- New comic strip (finally!)
- New contest
- Update to collectables section
- Update to my collection
- Update to release info
- More site links
- …and more!
I’m also planning on redesigning and updating my Shining Force site, though I do have other projects going on – such as working on my fanmade Yog plushies!
Also, keep an eye out for news about Tatakai – for some time now, my dearly beloved has been working on a game engine in which people will be able to make their own Shining Force style games, relatively easily too I might add! I’m very excited about this project, and have been encouraging him throughout. He’s getting a site ready to explain more about it and has provided a demo to a select few. It’s not yet finished, but it’s not going to be another abandoned project, and I hope will prove to be a popular game development tool.
Nothing else to report at this time, but I will – as always – keep you posted on any Shining developments!