The Shining Electronic Encyclopedia is here!

The Shining Electronic Encyclopedia is here!

At long last, it’s here – the new, improved Shining Electronic Encyclopedia!

It’s been a long time since I began work on the SEE and getting back into it was quite a struggle, but at last with a bit of free time and a lot of patience, it has come together. The system is working pretty much as I had in mind and the design, though something I might normally consider tacky, is complete and I’m pleased with it. Big thanks to all the members of SFC who have helped me during the testing and design process.

Although there are only a few dozen entries in the SEE database at the moment (and some of them need some cross-references and images added), I hope that it will grow considerably over the coming weeks and continue to expand indefinately.

Rather than boring you with more talk about it, why not just click here and go take a look? 😉

On top of all that, we’ve got a beautiful batch of fanart from talented SFCer Valkyrie who has sent us a number of pieces which you can find in the Shining Force, Shining Force II, Shining the Holy Ark, Shining Force III & Scenario 3 Fanart sections.

There’s also a new desktop in the Shining Force III section, check it out here.

Big thanks to for allowing SFC to use some SF Neo scans recently posted on the Gamefront site. You can find the scans here.

In other news, if you saw the SF Neo Memory Card and thought “I want one of those!”, there’s a way you can get one – Play Asia will be stocking them, and they also have the latest Sega Gals Capsule Toys in stock including a rather revealing Elwing model 😉

Well, that’s enough for today – more tomorrow no doubt, when the latest contest winner will be announced and a new contest started. Watch this space! 😉

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