I’ve moved the old news into the archives now 🙂
As you can probably see, my PayPal account is now fully operational, and ready to accept donations. Don’t feel obliged in any way though – I’ve only added this due to the requests of several people. Any donations received will primarily be used towards the costs involved in contest prizes, such as getting them & posting them. But who knows? If I get sufficient donations, maybe I can make this site my fulltime job (wishful thinking!)…
Anyway, on to the real news stuff now.
My Shining Force II Guide has now been completely redesigned, and although some areas still need things added to them, it’s already bigger than ever 🙂
The message boards now have well over 500 members and are active as ever, so if you haven’t already joined, why not do so now?
As always, with this fornightly update comes a new MP3, comic and poll for you to enjoy… and a warning that you now have less than 2 weeks in which to enter this month’s contest!
…but this fortnight, that’s not all you’re getting from SFC! I’ve added a new section for each Shining game, “midi sound files”, and there are plenty for you to download. Some of these have moved from my Shining Force 2 site, however there are dozens of new tracks, provided mostly by the talented Magnus Andersson. So, if you want to check them out, have a look at the game pages.
I’ve arranged yet more cool prizes, and I’m pleased to announce that the contest leading up to Christmas will have a whole bunch of prizes. I love Christmas, so I’d like to try and make as many people happy as possible at that time of year 🙂