I’ve finally gotten around to updating the SFC links database, although there are still a few I need to double-check. So, there are some revised listings and a few new sites added.
I’ve been through the merchandise sections, and updated the items I now own 😉 I’ve still got to update my collection page though.
I’ve started work on adding the game scripts in English, so far I’ve finished off Shining Force CD, chapter 2 of Shining Force III Scenario 3, and almost finished the first part of Shining Force II. More to come soon!
I’ll be adding the credits for each game soon too, to save people asking me who did the artwork for each game, who composed the music etc!
Other plans include updating the Shining Force Webring (I was unable to do anything after the merge with Yahoo! due to some error, but all should be well now).
Finally, I’ve added the Japanese Shining Force ROM to my Shining Force II site. I still need to update the emulation section on the Shining Force site, maybe I’ll do it later today. Many thanks to Dragon from the SFC forums for providing me with hosting space for the ROMs. Since I’m leaving my job I’ll be losing the server space I had there, and would have had nowhere to host the ROMs. Likewise, due to my situation, I’ll be moving my www.shining-force.co.uk domain – if you try to email me during the move, it might bounce back 🙁 All should be well within the next couple of weeks. I will also be moving my Final Conflict site back onto the shining.zophar.net space shortly.
Anything else? Ah yes, I need to archive January’s news too 🙂 More updates tomorrow!