Video Clips & Shining Tears Collectables updated

Video Clips & Shining Tears Collectables updated

Many thanks to SFCer Marth11 for locating the TV Game Commercials website, which included the long-lost adverts for Shining in the Darkness, Shining Force & Shining Force II! I have been in touch with the site’s owner, and he has very kindly granted SFC permission to host the files in the SFC Video Archive 🙂 Thanks so much, Michal!

Perhaps one day we’ll also find adverts for the Gaidens, Shining Force CD, Shining Wisdom & Holy Ark!

I’ve also finally gotten around to adding the new Shining Tears collectables – almost 2 dozen of them in total, mostly phonecards. I wonder if any collectors will manage to get the lot? I’ve contacted Sega Japan on the off chance that they might be willing to donate a few as prizes here… and also our sponsor, Lik-Sang, to see whether they can get hold of any. Here’s hoping!

Tomorrow, if I have time (it’s Lee’s birthday, so I might not), I’ll get the new Christmas Contest online. Lots of groovy prizes, so keep an eye out 🙂

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