This morning, as per ususal, I dropped by the Sega Direct website to see whether any special SF Neo packages have been announced. Something prompted me to type ‘Shining’ into the search box, and look what came up!
A new Shining music CD titled The Shining Theme – Songs from Shining Series is due to come out in Japan on March 30th, just a few days after SF Neo comes out. Retailling at around 2,300 yen (a little over US$20), the CD should include the theme music from a range of Shining games in orchestral form, fused with the usual wild electronica – fantastic! Details as to the exact content and CD length are not yet available, but I’m sure they will be nearer the time. This CD is part of Sega’s current Shining Series revival plans – could this be a sign of trying to gain interest in the old games… perhaps for more remakes? I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I for one, am excited at the prospect of the CD at least 😀
In other Shining news, today sees the update of Sega Japan’s Shining Force Neo site, to include a two new movies to view. As usual, the site is running slowly following this update (no doubt there are masses of people in the East browsing it at the moment), but I’ll try to get the movies converted and uploaded to SFC as soon as I can. The first movie is a message from someone who is presumably involved in the game – unfortunately I couldn’t really follow what the lady was saying, on account of that awful themesong playing over the movie (perhaps she’s the singer?)! I know a lot of people seem to like the song, but to me it sounds like something that belongs in the charts, not a quality piece of VGM. Maybe it’ll grow on me. Anyhoo… the second new movie is an anime clip of Max’s homecoming in Greensleeves. Quite sweet, but I have difficulty accepting that guy as our dear Max…
Right, off to get on with some site updates now – lots to be done, watch this space! 😀