Or they could just be bluffing! 😉
Camelot have updated their website – it seems they have been receiving a lot of emails recently, asking when the next Golden Sun release will be… Camelot talk a little about more recent projects (Mario Golf, Mario Tennis), and explain that although there’s a big demand for a new title, they can’t answer at this time. They go on to talk about about the size of the company and projects etc… but most important is the final line of the update. It basically says (as they have already stated several times) that they will not be continuing the Shining series, and any enquiries about that should go to Sega, since it’s theirs now.
While it’s sad to know they’ve not changed their minds, it does make me all the more sure that the info I’ve received about the next Force game is indeed correct in regards to which console it will be appearing on. But, at this time I can say no more, sorry! 🙁