As you probably know, I’ve had some big issues in real life which delayed my work on the script for the Final Conflict patch. I’m close to being finished with it, but at the last minute disaster has struck.
z80’s ISP is going down and he will be offline for at least a month, but at present indefinately. He has provided me with all his notes etc on the project and asked me to find a suitable replacement for him to realise the dream of Final Conflict in English.
Not being too techy with this stuff, I don’t even really know quite what I’m looking for – someone who’s good with technical stuff, programming, z80 compression (maybe, maybe his notes/programs negate the need for that?), someone who has experience of ROM hacking. By that, I don’t just mean someone who’s edited tiles in a game or two – I think we’ve all done that 😉
Serious applicants only – a few names come to mind as potential candiates. I will send all the documents through to whoever is chosen, and hopefully it’ll all make sense to them!
BTW – if I get any more messages hassling me about the progress on this, I’ll deliberately delay it. I’m sick of “it’s been weeks, why isn’t it done?”, “why did you lie about it?”, “I can do it for you, tell me what I need to download” (I’ll tell you what you need to ‘download’: some patience and a bit more age :p )
Not much else to report at this time – haven’t received my Neo yet, don’t really care. Shining Road Scenario 4 is now out in Japan, but we can’t play it >.<;; In SFC news, we're still around US$50 away from the hosting fund target - just a couple of weeks left now until the bill arrives in my inbox, so if you'd still like to donate, please feel free to via the support page.