Today thanks go out to SFC Forum-goer, KainLM for spotting some new info at Gamefront (who in turn got their info from Famitsu magazine). It’s good to know that even when real life gets in the way of me looking into things, other fans are out there and willing to help support the community 🙂
According to Famitsu, the Shining Force Remake for GBA will be released in Japan in August this year (it’s not often Europe and the USA get a release before our Japanese gamer pals, we’re quite lucky this time!) and Shining Tears (which is to be an Action RPG… perhaps a sequel to Shining Wisdom? Just speculation!) towards the end of the year. Apparently the new Shining Force for the PS2 is still in development and should be released sometime next year. It seems Amusement Vision, the team behind the Shining Force Remake are also working on this title, so I’m sure it’ll be a fine game 🙂 Time to start saving up for a PS2, ne?!
In other, somewhat belated, news – Shining Soul II hit the shops in the USA last week, around the same time as our good friends at Atlus launched their Shining Soul II mini-site. Meanwhile, my SSII site is still only partly developed and I’m sorry to announce that it is unlikely to be completed. More on this in a moment. First, a “word from our sponsors” *lol* …

Shining Soul II – US$29.99