Not much time to update today, so I’ll keep this brief.
Today sees the launch in Japan of Shining Force Neo for the PS2, and it seems the game has gone to #2 in Sega Direct’s sales charts – I guess interest in it picked up.
Sega Japan’s SF Neo Site has been updated a couple of times in the last few days to include a buttload of new wallpapers, which I have put up here at SFC.
There’s also been an update to the characters page, to include some information on Kane, Vandorf and Maria, as well as the addition of a FAQs page, which you can find here Babelfished. Most of the questions aren’t of much interest, covering the release of a couple of books (one tomorrow, one late April) and general questions about the game. There is, however, one question I found interesting, asking about the relationship between the original SF’s Max, Kane and Adam, and those found in Neo. The answer seems to imply that the characters were named thusly only in homage to the original… strange, since Neo really does seem to tie into the story changes encountered in Resurrection of the Dark Dragon.
Anyhoo, enough babble. I’ve got a busy day ahead, and Lee’s off work next week so I’ll not be around so much…
Hoping to have time to do a bit more translation/script revision for the Final Conflict patch, but I don’t think I’ll get it finished off for z80 today >.<;; Sorry folks, but I guess it does give you all the chance to spend some time on Shining Tears instead, which was released in the USA in the last few days.
Some quick links, for anyone looking to try either game... and contribute to SFC at no extra cost...
Buy Shining Force Neo from Lik-Sang for US$59.90 (free shipping!)
Buy Shining Tears USA Version from Amazon for US$49.99 ($2 will go to SFC)
Buy Shining Tears Official Strategy Guide from Amazon for US$14.99