For those of you who were worried after seeing the colours in the screenshots posted at Gamekult, for the GBA SF remake … don’t be! Forum member Daria has found some new pictures from – you can see and discuss them here, or see more here. I have to say that seeing these has me even more excited about the release!! 🙂
I do have a little more news, but unfortunately at this time I’m not allowed to post it. Of course you can depend on me to do so as soon as I possibly can 🙂
I’m also in the process of trying to obtain a preview copy, and hope to get some crystal clear shots of the game at that time… and also be able to answer any questions you may have about it. Will keep you posted on my progress with obtaining one.
In non-Shining news, though relevant to this site, my boyfriend seems to be doing better but is likely to be in hospital for another week at least, as such I should be able to post updates either AM before I go to visit him or late PM when I get home. Thanks for all the well-wishes I’ve received over the past few days, we both very much appreciate them!
Work on my SSII site has pretty much ground to a halt on account of all these hospital visits, but will of course get the site ready in time for the release of the game! Thanks for bearing with me folks 🙂