That’s right folks – it’s been a long time since a full-length manga series was released in a Japanese magazine – over 10 years in fact! Doom Blade (featured in Megadrive Fan magazine) followed the tale of Shining in the Darkness, and now Sega have announced that a new Shining Manga is to hit the streets in Japan, in January 2005.
The Manga is to be featured in Kodansha Publishing’s Magazine Z, and will begin in the issue going on sale on January 26th 2005. The story will follow that of the game, and if Babelfish has not mislead me it seems as though Tamaki-sama will be involved, as well as Yuri Nishiyama (designer for Shining Force PS2, I believe).
Gotta go for now – busy afternoon ahead of me. I should have a day to myself tomorrow, when at long last I can get the new script sections online 😀 Sorry about the delay!