Shining Tears Bonus DVD video clips

Shining Tears Bonus DVD video clips

Sega Japan have today updated their Shining Tears site with another streaming video.

The clip is around a minute long and is a bit of a sneak-peak at the bonus DVD which is to be included with all purchases of Shining Tears.

Promotional movies, TV commercials, the game’s intro, and – most importantly, IMHO – the Shining Tears stage event from TGS will be on the DVD. The clip includes a few shots of the stage event, and I must say it’s really wonderful to see and hear the emotion of the theme song on the singer’s face! Beautiful stuff – and not long until the release now 😀

Remember, it’s not too late to place a pre-order and play the game months before its US release – drop by Lik-Sang and take a look – you’ll not only get to play the game early, but also be supporting SFC! 😀

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