Shining Tears: First look & more

Shining Tears: First look & more

Click for screenshotsOn Saturday, I finally received my Shining Tears DX package from Rei – arigatou! 😀

So, today I’ve spent a bit of time prepping some updates here – I’d do more, but unfortunately I have to work this afternoon. Ah well, it pays for the Shining habit I suppose 😉

Head along to the Video Archives for several new Shining Tears movies & even one from Shining Force PS2, ripped from the Shining Tears Bonus DVD. Note that for some reason, no matter what program I used to rip them, the aspect ratio seems a little out. Also, the TGS Stage Event video came out at almost 200MB, as it’s over 20 minutes long – I have therefore chopped this into 8 smaller files for people to download and watch in a row. Hopefully the smaller files will help out dial-up users out there.

I’ve also updated the Shining Tears Collectables section with new pictures and information – more to come!

The Shining Tears artwork/covers page is now getting underway with over a dozen scans, and there’s also one picture now available in the Shining Force PS2 section. I’ll try to add some RotDD artwork soon too.

On an unrelated note, the Shining Force II Fanart section has also been updated – why not take a look and leave some comments?

Before I get started on my initial comments about the game, I’ve got a suggestion – I could do a live demo of the game on YIM! if people are interested, with my webcam & mic, so you can see a bit more of the game. Whaddya think?

Right, now for what you want to hear…

I’d like to start by saying that I’ve made no attempt to cover my excitement about Shining Tears, since I first saw pictures of it. As time passed, I continued to look forward to the release, and started to notice many similarities to the Shining Soul series, from what was written on the Sega Japan website. I’ve not let that put me off, as although Shining Soul was a dreadful game for the most part, Shining Soul II offered vast improvements and was quite an enjoyable little game 🙂

So, what does this have to do with Shining Tears? Anyone who’s played Shining Soul II (and, to a degree, Shining Soul) will find this game quite familiar. Just as Shining Soul II made improvements and changes over the original, so Shining Tears makes improvements and changes over Shining Soul II. The fact that Nextech developed the games does seem to support my theory that Shining Tears is, in essence, Shining Soul III.

From the map with marked locations to jump to, to the shop systems, smithy and gameplay style, this game says Shining Soul III all over it! Go up a level, and you’re rewarded with points to apply to your statistics and to increase your skills – sound familiar? Kill monsters and win their information cards – getting the idea?

Okay, I don’t need to go on and on about that similarity now, when you play it, you’ll see what I mean if you don’t already.

What? You want to know more? …

The loading times seem to have been exaggerated by other sites, claiming loads of up to 15 seconds – I’ve yet to experience anything over 10 seconds, and for the most part it’s far less. A little annoying when occasionally the loading time is longer than the scene which follows (perhaps due to my skipping most of the text quickly, I can’t read most of it anyway ;)). No real complaints in the loading department though, and it’s not as if the loading screens are dull to look at either.

Speaking of looking, the game really does look gorgeous. My other half is insisting that the landscapes aren’t really 3D, but I’m convinced they are – SFIII style, with 3D maps and 2D sprites made to look 3D. It’s quite stunning IMHO, and feels very Shiny indeed. The characters do not seem to have such oversized heads as was originally thought, they look almost Shining Force III style to me too. Other graphical effects so far such as spells have been nothing short of impressive (though remember, I’ve not played many ‘modern’ games in the last few years, so I don’t have much comparison there), and the display of full character portraits during conversations really adds to the feel of the game – where sprites are unable to convey much emotion, the animated portraits give us an idea of how the characters are feeling even if we can’t understand most of the text.

As if that wasn’t enough, many of the cut-scenes feature full spoken dialogue, giving us more of an indication of the mood and a feel for the characters themselves. Aurally, the game is enjoyable and maintains that Shining feeling – the music always fits the mood, and is of a good quality IMHO. Kudos to the composer!

In terms of gameplay, as I previously noted, it is mostly Shining Soul style – areas to battle hordes of monsters, cards and items to collect & identify. The story though seemingly quite lengthy, given the cut-scenes, does seem to be fairly basic, as with the Soul games. Obviously without being able to understand more of it, I can’t really comment further on that. Playing the game itself is quite simple once one gets to grips with the controls – I did find the first hour quite tough as I strived to determine which button performed what action, and tried to remember them! So far I’ve yet to find much of a challenge beyond mastering the controls – the enemies are not very smart (they seem IMHO to have taken a leaf out of Shining Soul’s book, rather than Soul II), and quite easy to defeat, and the areas I’ve fought in so far take less than 5 minutes each to complete. Presumably as I progress through the game, the areas will become more expansive and be in close succession rather than a 5-minute cutscene & exploration apart.

Having gathered my allies and fought with each of them in turn, I seem to now be able to choose my fighting partner for each area. I must say it’s really quite novel controlling two characters at once (I’ve yet to try the 2 player mode with Lee) – takes some getting used to, and makes the game far easier than it already seems to be, but is very good fun 🙂 Start charging your partner up to do a link attack, run Xion behind enemy lines to acquire a target and then let it rip – kerrrrpowww! Top stuff 🙂 Or, if you prefer to leave your partner running around and attacking by his or herself, you can do that instead, but I do feel they provide a little too much support in this role, stealing kills & experience… but failing to pick up the items and coins dropped by the enemies.

After playing for a couple of hours today I found it hard to put the game down long enough to write this introduction! I guess that’s not a bad sign 😉

I feel I should be writing far far more, but I think it will have to wait until I’ve played more of the game. If you have any specific questions, feel free to send them via the SFC Mailbag, or post at the forums and I’ll do my best to answer.

Those of you wanting a new Force style game may find yourselves disappointed by Shining Tears, those who enjoyed the Soul games will likely enjoy this no end.

Nice try :p …and some Shining News

Nice try :p …and some Shining News

To whomever it is at the University of Manchester (user we056a at the Halls of Residence) that decided to waste 5 minutes of his or her life trying to throw the results of the most recent poll about half an hour ago – get a life :p Really, I mean – you’re at least 18, have you really not outgrown this kind of behaviour?

38 results all from the same IP within a few minutes of each other – and all for the negatice option which had so far had no votes? Gimme a break, I ain’t that stupid. I’ve now counted your vote as 1, as it rightly should be. I suggest you don’t try it again, I don’t want to have to block the entire of Manchester Uni from SFC 😉

Now, in Shining News – thanks go to SFCer Lindsay for posting the Shining Tears launch day sales figures, as posted originally at Gamefront. It seems Shining Tears did really quite well, with sales figures comparable to the latest GBA Zelda game and beating the new Dead or Alive title. As you can see from the figures below, it was almost a total sell-out!

Shining Tears launch day sales comparison

1. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA, Nintendo)
58.000 St. [42% of stock sold]

2. Shining Tears (PS2, Sega)
53.000 St. [78% of stock sold]

3. Dead or Alive Ultimate (Xbox, Tecmo)
40.000 St. [72% of stock sold]

Great news indeed! …and with a little luck, my copy will be arriving in the next couple of days.

High quality Shining Tears vids & more!

High quality Shining Tears vids & more!

Shining Tears goodies

This morning I receiced a rather nice parcel from Japan 🙂

No, not my Shining Tears DX set, but a selection of other items my friend Rei helped me to acquire from Japan 🙂 I’ve updated my collection and also added a couple of new items to the Shining Tears collectables section.

As you can see from the picture to the right, it was a good selection of items – amongst which is a DVD from TGS. The DVD contains the two promo movies shown at TGS in September, in lovely high quality 🙂 I have of course ripped and uploaded these for you to enjoy – check out the Shining Tears Videos section!

I was hoping to add a few more scans and the like today, but my father dropped by earlier with my newly-modded PS2 🙂 Unfortunately I’m not sure it’s working properly and without a PS2 import to check it with, I can’t be sure for a while without trying a backup to test it – so that’s what I’ll be toying with for the next hour. If it doesn’t work, I’m going to need to find somewhere in the UK which can fix it or re-chip it – if any of you know where such a place might be, please do contact me!

Collectables updated & Sega Voice information

Collectables updated & Sega Voice information

I’ve just added several new Shining Tears items to the collectables section of the site. There certainly are a lot of them now!

Within the last half hour, I received an email from the current manager of the Shining Force Webring (which was originally mine around 8 years ago, but ownership was transferred by Webring to another user when I was unable to log-in for about a year), offering to return full management abilities to me. Within 24 hours the Shining Force Webring will be back with its true owner, and I’ll be able to sort out that distorted navigation graphic. So, if you have a Shining site and want a bit more exposure while also creating a sense of community, feel free to join up – I promise the button will look a lot better when it’s back to 88×33 😀

Finally, on a more Shining-related note, I’ve babelfished the Sega Voice Tony Taka interview, and it’s quite an interesting read… if a little garbled by the babelfish 😉 Nonetheless, it gives enough of a gist of the meaning to be able to enter the contest.

I particularly enjoyed reading about the expression on Dark Xion’s face, and was quite surprised to learn that Tony’s favourite character design is that of Blanc Neige… I’d’ve expected Elwing, since he seems to draw a lot of pictures of her. An interesting point too about the difficulty of designing characters that would work in the chibi style, given all the special effects which would be applied to the sprites, such as glows etc.

Go see if you can make some sense of it too, and enjoy 🙂

Christmas Contest launched!

Christmas Contest launched!

That’s right folks, at last another big contest here at SFC – lots of great prizes to be won, so check it out and start pondering on that riddle!

On another note, today I’ve emailed all of the gaming shops in Japan that were involved with the Shining Tears promotional items, in the hope that one of them will be willing and able to contribute a telephone card or suchlike as a future contest prize. Hopefully with 9 shops contacted, plus Lik-Sang, Sega Japan, Sega USA & Sega Europe, someone will come through for us 😉

Speaking of promotional items, SFCer Aspartate posted some news at the forums today, regarding a new collection of Sega toy capsules in Japan. Apparently, the new set of Sega Gals figurines will include one of Elwing! Have a look at the pic here. Looks good, ne? I know Lik-Sang stocks prize capsule toys, so I’ve asked my contact there whether they’re likely to get these in, when they’re launched in Feburary next year. If so, we should all be able to get some and hope for an Elwing figure or two 😀

Now, go have fun with the contest 😉

Video Clips & Shining Tears Collectables updated

Video Clips & Shining Tears Collectables updated

Many thanks to SFCer Marth11 for locating the TV Game Commercials website, which included the long-lost adverts for Shining in the Darkness, Shining Force & Shining Force II! I have been in touch with the site’s owner, and he has very kindly granted SFC permission to host the files in the SFC Video Archive 🙂 Thanks so much, Michal!

Perhaps one day we’ll also find adverts for the Gaidens, Shining Force CD, Shining Wisdom & Holy Ark!

I’ve also finally gotten around to adding the new Shining Tears collectables – almost 2 dozen of them in total, mostly phonecards. I wonder if any collectors will manage to get the lot? I’ve contacted Sega Japan on the off chance that they might be willing to donate a few as prizes here… and also our sponsor, Lik-Sang, to see whether they can get hold of any. Here’s hoping!

Tomorrow, if I have time (it’s Lee’s birthday, so I might not), I’ll get the new Christmas Contest online. Lots of groovy prizes, so keep an eye out 🙂

New fanart, translations, scripts, desktops & more…

New fanart, translations, scripts, desktops & more…

At last I’ve had a day to myself and not only caught up a bit with my email and forum messages, but also had time to get some long-awaited site updates completed!

First and foremost, our most heartfelt thanks should be sent out to Magnus Andersson who has once again provided a fantastic amount of translations & scripts for SFC. The Scenario 3 translations have been updated & added to – there’s not much missing now aside from townspeople dialogues. He’s also finished adding extra dialogues to the Shining Wisdom USA script, which is now online.

Sadly, Magnus tells me this is to be his last contribution, as he has provided so much and feels it is now time to move on. He’s recently opened his own website about one of his other favourite game series, why not check it out at Many, many thanks Magnus for all you’ve done for your fellow Shining series fans. We very much appreciate all the hard work you’ve put towards helping us understand the wonderful story of Shining Force III. “Kore wa owari ka?”

I’m sure I speak for us all when I wish Magnus the very best in whatever he chooses to do in the future.

Now, back to the updates! I’ve added four new pieces of fanart (will somebody please use the new Fanart commenting system?!) – you can find these in the Shining Force II, Scenario 3 and Shining Soul fanart sections. SFC Moderator Rusty has also provided a nice new Shining Tears Desktop, now available for you all to download 😀

The most recent SF:RotDD FAQ has been updated, and a glitch in one of the Shining Force FAQs has been fixed, so it should display properly now! Seems it was in Mac format, which didn’t agree with the server somehow!

I’ve also added around a dozen new URLs to the SFC links directory, particularly noteworthy being Jumesyn, which recently came back on line. “What’s Jumesyn?”, I hear you cry – why, only the best Shining Force III site the .net’s ever seen! Haven’t seen it? Go look now!

Got a Shining site of your own? Why not submit it to the directory and consider joining the Shining Force Webring? It all means more exposure & more visitors for your site 😀

Finally, the winner of the September Contest has been announced – congratulations to Big Poppa of the SFC Forums – I’ll be needing your address so I can send out your prize.

A new contest will launch in the next week, and as we’re nearing that festive time of year again (and considering the minimal amount of contests run this year), it’s going to be another incredible prize-fest, so watch this space!

Now, I’ll go see if I can get all the recent Shining Tears collectables added to the listings before my man gets home – if not, I’m afraid that’ll be a task for next week (by which time a number of them may be in my posession :D). Until then, keep on Shining!

What the heck ;) New Desktops and Cards!

What the heck ;) New Desktops and Cards!

Well, looks like I had a few spare minutes to add these after all 🙂

So, there are now four Desktop Wallpapers for Shining Tears (have a go at making some yourself and submit them if you like 🙂 the more the merrier!), and new E-Greetings Cards for Shining Force III Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3, and the Premium Disc not to mention Shining Soul, Shining Tears and finally Shining Force PS2.

Why not go and make someone’s day with a lovely Shining Card? 😀

Lots of videos, artwork and new fanart added!

Lots of videos, artwork and new fanart added!

It’s taken me a long time to get all these files uploaded, as there’s around half a gig of them! But, they’re finally here. Many thanks to Kyle Rich for supplying most of the videos, also to SFCers Raven and Cullsoft for their vids. We now have almost 100 videos spanning Shining Wisdom to Shining Tears! Why not take a look? Or, better yet, submit your own if you have some 🙂

I have, for the time being, omitted the recent IGN video clips, as I’m trying to arrange for permission to host the files. As Working Designs never replied to my request, I’ve included their SW demo video, but am happy to remove it should they ask – likewise for the other videos. Hopefully that won’t happen, and I’ll get permission 🙂

I’ve also uploaded full sets of high-resolution scans of all the Half Quarter Books – check the Shining Force CD, Final Conflict, Shining Wisdom and Scenario 3 artwork pages for these. The books are no longer available, so it doesn’t seem to be a problem to post the pictures for fans to enjoy 🙂 I also have high res scans of Works for Shining the Holy Ark, which is also now unavailable – I’ll try to upload these later in the week or next week.

And finally, for today, we have our first piece of Shining Soul II Fanart, courtesy of SFCer SilverSpoon – why not help SFC achieve another first by commenting on a piece of fanart (I coded the system people wanted, now no-one uses it 🙁 )? … or how about some Shining Tears or Shining Force PS2 Fanart – c’mon everbody, get creative 😀

Later this week, or next should this one end up too busy, I have a large amount of Shining Force III translated scripts to put up – many thanks to Magnus Andersson, whose continued work on this project has been much appreciated by all! We’ve also got the rest of the Shining Wisdom USA script, not to mention a whole bunch of links to be added to the directory.

I’ve also created a set of Shining Tears desktop wallpapers and E-greeting Cards, which I’ll try to get uploaded tomorrow for you all 🙂

Not much else I can think of at this point, so anything else will have to wait until tomorrow. Meanwhile, enjoy the vids and artwork 😀

New poll, comic, links, fanart and FAQ!

New poll, comic, links, fanart and FAQ!

Although I said yesterday I’d be adding several dozen Shining videos to the site today, unfortunately they are still in the process of uploading (there’s around half a gig of them!) and so they will have to wait until the next update it seems.

Fortunately though, there are plenty of other updates here for you to enjoy – particularly the latest comic, provided by forum member Blob Powers – great stuff! View it from the main page or in the comic archive. There’s also a new poll, but it’s not nearly so entertaining 😉

I’ve finally been through the links directory and removed all reported dead links, as well as adding over a dozen new links for you to browse, covering most of the series. Some great new sites there indeed.

It would seem that Mr. Powers has been very busy preparing some new fanart too, and that can be found in the Shining the Holy Ark section – why not leave some comments on the pictures you like using the new Fanart Comment System?!

And finally, the Shining Force Remake FAQ which was added yesterday has had a major update, do check it out in the FAQs section.

Nothing else to report for now, so why not go and enjoy the new additions 🙂

New Fanart, Collectables, Midi & FAQ!

New Fanart, Collectables, Midi & FAQ!

More fanart...

I’d hoped to get a little more than this done today, but I’ll try to get the rest done tomorrow (Links Directory update & addition of several dozen video clips!)…

Today we have 3 excellent new pieces of fanart – one in the Shining Force section and the other two in the Shining Force II section.

We’ve got a fantastic new midi of Darksol’s Theme from Shining Force, called ‘Demon Breath’, and a brand new FAQ for the Shining Force Remake written by one of our members.

On top of that, there have been a lot of new collectables added to the site, primarily for Shining Tears – some very nice items there, a shame they are selling for such high prices at the moment!

More updates tomorrow – perhaps even a new comic and a new poll – watch this space!